Dialogue (Virtual, English, 4 Sessions) 2025 Mar 11 13 18 20

INTRODUCTION TO DIALOGUE _Conversation as a Core Learning Process

2025 Mar 11 13 18 20 (7:30 PM to 10:30 PM ,GMT+8 Taipei Time)

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“Are you ready for dialogue? Test yourself by asking yourself some searching questions. Suppose, for example, you are an executive in a meeting attended by people of varied ranks within your organization some who report to you, others who hold a higher position. A discussion is in progress regarding a project that did not work out according to plan. Lots of criticism is being bandied about. Are you prepared to volunteer that you accept some responsibility because of erroneous assumptions you had made, and then to make them explicit? If not, you may want to do more to prepare yourself for dialogue”. From Daniel Yankelovich' book, The Magic of Dialogue

Dialogue is an in depth conversation into the assumptions that structure and interpret our everyday experiences. Dialogue is a sustained inquiry held in an environment of mutual respect. Dialogue creates a group field in which members explore difficult issues and are able to express their thoughts and feelings without fear. Dialogue moves a group beyond polarized “right/wrong”, “us/them”, “win/lose” thinking that leads to misunderstanding and communication breakdown.

• Dialogue produces a deep shared understanding that leads to better informed choices.

• Dialogue helps create rich work-life relationships and strong personal-life relationships.

• Dialogue increases access to innovation inside your organization.

• Dialogue helps develop understanding rather than defensiveness and resistance.

Introduction to Dialogue offers the skills and motivation to work through tough issues in ways that bring shared understanding and commitment. It builds trust, strengthens relationships, and draws out the best thinking as well as new level of cooperation of all parties.

During the four sessions we review the theories about why dialogue is such a powerful personal and team-learning tool. We use ourselves as a learning team to help you develop practical dialogue skills for use in your own organizations and communities.

Key Elements

Skills in Listening + Awareness: As we build a sense of community, concepts of dialogue and organizational learning are experienced and understood.

Practicing Inquiry and Advocacy: We introduce a practice "clearness committee" in small groups with real life individual issues as a focus.

Explore Yankelovich's three necessary features of dialogue:

1. Equality and the absence of coercive influences

2. Listening with empathy (by placing all expectations and desires in the background

3. Bringing assumptions into the open

Fishbowl and Operational Skills: We introduce practical examples of dialogue in the workplace, demonstrating as individuals and teams how to utilize dialogue in everyday situations.


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Course Fee:

Early Bird: NTD 18000 / USD 580 (before 2024 Dec. 20)
Regular Price: NTD 22000 USD 710 full price (after 2024 Dec. 20)

Retake fee NTD 7000 USD 217

Notes: The KKtix platform will charge 10% operation fee once you cancel the order. 

Payment can be made at a local rate in India and Malaysia , if you are from India, pls contact Archana(icaindia22@gmail.com), If you are from Malaysia pls contact Pat ( patnunis@gmail.com). Otherwise please through KKTix .

Contact Larry@icatw.com or icamail@icatw.com

Event Tickets

Ticket Type Sale Period Price
Early Bird Price

2024/03/13 00:00(+0800) ~ 2024/12/20 00:00(+0800) End of Sale
  • TWD$18,000
Regular Price

2024/12/20 00:00(+0800) ~ 2025/03/14 00:00(+0800)
  • TWD$22,000
Retake Price

2024/03/13 00:00(+0800) ~ 2025/03/14 00:00(+0800)
  • TWD$7,000
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